


Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) in the constellation Canes Venatici discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781 about 22 to 25 million light years away. The size of the spiral galaxy is about 135'000 light years.
NGC4217 and NGC4226 are bottom right to M106 on the frame. NGC 4217 is a spiral galaxy about 61 million light years away. NGC4226 is about 354 million light years away. On the frame are in total 8 NGC galaxies. The NGC catalog contains 7'840 objects.
The PGC catalog (Catalogue of Principal Galaxies) contains another 73'197 different galaxies. On the frame are in total 115 PGC catalog galaxies identified. Some are 1 billion light years away (e.g. PGC213956)

TS-Optics Photoline 130 mm f/7 FPL-53 Triplet APO Refractor at f/7 with Starlight Feather-Touch 3545 and ZWO ASI EAF
TS-Flat 2.5, ZWO-M68-OAG, ZWO ASI6200MM PRO,

103 x 600s L Bin 1x1, 21 x 900 s H-alpha (7nm) Bin 1x1, 16 x 300 s R, 17 x 300s G, 21 x 300s B each Bin 2x2 (total 26h 55min)

Skywatcher EQ8 on stationary pier / ASI AIR pro with ASI290MM

Light polluted backyard (bortle 5 sky - SQM approx. 20.40 mag/arcsec2), Switzerland / between 26th February and 26th March 2022. H alpha frames during moon.

Owl Nebula M97 and galaxy M108

Takahashi FSQ106ED at f5
ASI6200 MM pro

12 x 600s L Bin 1x1, 8 x 300s R, 10 x 300s G, 12 x 300s B all Bin 2x2 (total: 4h 30m)

Skywatcher EQ8 on stationary pier / ASI AIR pro with ASI290MM

Light polluted backyard (bortle 5 sky - SQM approx. 20.40 mag/arcsec2), Switzerland

Southern Sky Guest Farm TIVOLI, Namibia / 20-Feb - 08-Mrz-21

The Grus Quartet (NGC 7599, NGC 7590, NGC 7582, NGC 7552)

ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
FLI Microline 16200

22 x 420s L Bin 1x1, 12 x 420s RGB Bin 1x1 (total: 6h 46m)

ASA DDM85, no guiding

Southern Sky Guest Farm TIVOLI, Namibia / 28-Aug - 29-Aug-16, 03-Sept-16

NGC 253

ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
FLI Microline 16200

19 x 420s L Bin 1x1, 9 x 420s RGB Bin 1x1 (total: 5h 22m)

ASA DDM85, no guiding

Southern Sky Guest Farm TIVOLI, Namibia / 28-Aug - 30-Aug-16

NGC 1365

ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
FLI Microline 16200

13 x 420s L Bin 1x1, 8 x 420s RGB Bin 1x1 (total: 4h 19m)

ASA DDM85, no guiding

Southern Sky Guest Farm TIVOLI, Namibia / 27-Aug, 04-Sept-16

IC 4633 with Integrated Flux Nebulae

ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
FLI Microline 16200

33 x 420s L Bin 1x1, 28 x 420s RGB Bin 2x2 (total: 7h 07m)

ASA DDM85, no guiding

Southern Sky Guest Farm TIVOLI, Namibia / 31-Aug-16, 01/02/03-Sept-16


Leo-Triplett (M65, M66, NGC3628)

Takahashi FSQ-106ED at f/5
FLI Microline 8300 @ -40°C, Baader UV/IR Filter

24 x 600s (total: 4h 00min)

Takahashi EM-200 USD3 /  Borg 50/250, DMK31
Gurnigelpasshöhe Switzerland / 02-Apr-2011

M 31 - Andromeda galaxy

Takahashi FSQ-106ED at f/5
Canon EOS 5d Mark II at 800 ASA

31 x 300s (total: 2h 35min)

Takahashi EM-200 USD3 /  Borg 50/250, DMK31
Gurnigelpasshöhe Switzerland / 18-Nov-2009
Image processing without flatfields

M 51 - Whirlpool galaxy

Takahashi FS-152 at f/6
Canon EOS 20da at 400 ASA

17 x 480s (total: 2h 16min)

Takahashi EM-200 /  Borg 50/250, ATIK 16IC
Observatory Mirasteilas Falera, Switzerland / 08-May-08

M 101 - Pinwheel galaxy

Takahashi FS-152 at f/6
Canon EOS 20da at 400 ASA

17 x 480s (total: 2h 16min)

Takahashi EM-200 /  Borg 50/250, ATIK 16IC
Observatory Mirasteilas Falera, Switzerland / 08-May-08